Monday, September 7, 2009

Proof I finished!

Watch me cross the finish line by clicking here!

You will have to type in my first and last name or my bib number, which was 22606. I'm the dork on the left in pink and black, with a white visor...Enjoy :)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I Came, I Ran, I Conquered.

I did it! I ran 13.1 miles and lived to blog about it :) I am super tired (after a sleepless night) and my knees are achy, but I can't complain. I feel like I accomplished such a huge feat. Thank you to all of you who have supported me and helped me believe that I could do it! My official time was 2:51:56. My first goal was to finish the race. My 2nd goal was to finish in less than 3 hours. I did both! I ran the entire race, walking only through the Cytomax stations to rehydrate. This totaled about a minute and a half of the entire time! Justin had to work last night (and tonight, too) so he missed the race. He did get my updates via text message from the amazing technology of the race world. Angie was awesome enough to not only go to my race but also to take my mom and Alana to see me cross the finish line!

They first found me right before the 12-mile marker

Run Portas, Run :)

Alana in Jalen's stroller...probably pouting haha.

Here I come towards the finish, almost to mile 13...

Still smiling...and still running!

I look like a goob but I am standing!

I have the world's grossest blisters thanks to a wonder called the sports bra.
The picture doesn't do it justice, but it's nasty and it STUNG when I took a shower!!!

Icing my knees and ankle post-race and shower...
STILL smiling!
My medal!
What an awesome experience! Will I do it again? You betcha! I might have to give my body a little time to recuperate, but I loved the feeling of running with so many people and on such a huge level. It was amazing! I am so glad that I did this!!!

Punching, xo

It's RACE DAY!!!

I've been up since about 2:30 a.m. with pre-race jitters. Sleep? Who needs it? I'm sure I will be needing it soon enough!

For anyone who would like to watch a live feed of the race online, click here.

My bib number is 22606.

Feel free to watch me crawl over the finish line sometime around 10 a.m :)

Punching, xo

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Long time no blog

My life has been busy (in a good way) lately, and I'm afraid that my blog has taken a backseat because of that. I'm actually blogging from my BlackBerry at Chick Fil-A while Alana plays on the playground. Honestly, it's about the only chance I have. Just ask the important people in my life about how many phone calls they get while I'm driving from point A to point B. I love multi-tasking!

So time to catch you up on what's been going on...running...LOTS of running! I finished my final long training run on Sunday. Twelve. Long. Miles! My mom informed me that if I can run 12 miles--on a TREADMILL--then I can do anything! She said its mental. I'm not sure how I feel about that :) The week before the 12 miles I was supposed to run 11. I got to mile 3 and my left knee started to hurt. By the time I got to mile 4 it was borderline excruciating! So I stopped. I felt totally defeated, but I knew that if I was going to make it to race day with both knees in tact, I was going to have to take a few days off. This week has been much better!

As for my diet, well it hasn't been the greatest but it hasn't been horrible either! My weight has pretty much stayed the same regardless, maybe a pound or two down. It is hard to gain weight when you are burning over 1800 calories a pop on long runs! Even though I have not been as strict with my food, I have continued drinking unsweet tea, diet sodas, and water. I am proud to say its been almost 6 months since I've had a real Coke! And the best part is, I don't even WANT one!

This morning I ran 3 miles and while I was stretching, I told Alana that I really hate running. She looked at me, pretty confused. Then I told her that I don't like to run, but I love the way I feel when I'm done. It is a total feeling of accomplishment. Running is not a team sport. No one can do it for you. I will cross the finish line because of the work that I myself have done. That, and of course the grace and mercy God has had on my joints. Why else do I enjoy this running gig? Because I like to prove people those doctors that said I might never walk again. I am reading a book that is hilarious. I've read it 3 or 4 times over the past couple of years. Its called the Non-Runners Guide to Marathon Running (or something close to that). Basically this girl went from couch potato to finishing a full 26.2 and she journals the entire process. So funny! She quotes Henry Ford in the book and the quote has played over and over in my head these past few weeks..."Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right."

I think I can...I KNOW I can!

Punching, xo

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Slacker Me

I admit, I've been slacking when it comes to the blogging thing. I am proud to say that I have NOT been slacking in other areas of my life, though! I have been busy doing everything from getting myself and Alana registered for school, to preparing for (and having) Justin's homecoming...and running...let's not forget running!

I have stuck to my training schedule pretty well...I am up to 9 miles on my long runs! This weekend I will run 10! I am shocked and amazed at how much my body has transformed...I mean, as far as endurance and strength go...I was talking to Justin (mind you, while running my 8th of 9 miles) on Saturday and I told him that it was insane that just 5 months ago I could hardly run 1 MINUTE without feeling like I'd pass out.

Life is good...Allison is happy!

Punching, xo

Saturday, July 25, 2009

8 Miles

I am writing this with ice packs on each knee, after taking 2 extra-strength Tylenol (because I took Motrin the last go 'round). I haven't run this week...It has been so hectic since we got back to VA. I know that's just an excuse, but the truth is I have been SO TIRED. Well, last night I decided that I was going to run today if it killed me. I'm thinking it might have come close :) Just kidding, it's not that bad. I am just making sure it doesn't get bad. I ran my 8-mile run today...The first 4 miles like to have killed me, but once I hit mile 5 I hit my groove or something, because it got a lot easier. I use that term "easier" lightly! I keep amazing myself...I know if I can run 8 miles after not running for 6 days at all, then I can do the 13.1 in another 6 weeks.

I am also proud to say that my eating was back on track today. I haven't really been focusing on eating right lately. I will give myself credit where it is due, though...I have not had a single Coke, or non-diet drink of any kind since the first week of April! This is HUGE! Even on all of my "free" days...I have completely eliminated those wasted calories from my diet. I was starving this afternoon/evening...probably because I burned 1200 calories on the treadmill this morning. Can I just say it's a major feat to have the calories have to loop back around to zero because you hit 1000? Same with my time...looped back around to zero!

All in all today has been a great day. Alana and I spent some time at the pool this afternoon, followed by an evening at church. I've really missed our church, so it was nice to be there! Then we got stuck in tunnel traffic coming home, but I won't complain...We made it home eventually :)

Justin will be home THIS WEEK! I'm so excited. The best part is that he emailed me tonight saying we are only one hour different in time zones now...This is awesome, considering we were 9 hours different at one point! Just makes it that much more real!!!

Punching, xo

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I apologize for my lack of posting, but the last week or so has been extremely busy here! AND I don't have cable/internet here so it's harder to bring myself to post :)

Alana and I made it back to Norfolk safe and sound! It's so good to be home, though I miss my momma already! We are working hard, trying to get the house in tip-top shape before Justin gets home next week...that's right, NEXT WEEK!!!

My eating and fitness have been pretty all over the place. I am trying not to lose focus...I ran 7 miles on Sunday before we left TN. It felt amazing! I am so ready to get back into the swing of things here...I am honestly just exhausted right now, but at the same time I don't want to make excuses!

The internet should be back on tomorrow!!! And I will be back on the treadmill, too!

Punching, xo

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Zumba and a Run

This week has been kind of busy (at least in my head, haha). I've been trying to get things done like getting the oil changed in the car and preparing for our trip back home to Virginia on Sunday. I know it's going to get even crazier the next few days! I am still trying to figure out how I'm going to fit all of our stuff into my car...

I went to zumba this morning...My training plan for the 1/2 marathon called for a run today, but I am trying to get as much zumba in as I can, while I can. I didn't want to slack on my running, I can proudly say that I got in my 40 minute "easy" run tonight. I did a little more than 3.5 miles. The best part is that I only stopped ONE minute to walk and get water, and the rest of the time I ran! I can't even believe how my endurance has improved. Four months ago, I could've run one minute and then I probably would've done something stupid (like thrown up in the middle of the gym, lol)

I'm officially signed up for the race...and I'm determined!

Punching, xo

Monday, July 13, 2009

Are You Ready for This?

Ok...I promised I would share the new direction my journey was taking. The truth is, I had to run it by the hubby (who was supportive, like usual) AND I really wanted to be sure that this was something I truly want to do. I have an unfortunate track record of setting out to accomplish things, with very good intentions, simply to give up or get off course soon after starting.

The BFL thing has really helped me to understand that I can finish anything I put my mind to. And while I am still following the BFL eating plan, my exercise routine is going to change a bit...quite drastically, actually!

I am going to run the Rock 'n Roll 1/2 Marathon in Virginia Beach on September 6th! Yes, you read that right. THIRTEEN POINT ONE MILES. And the craziest part is that I'm going to train for it in 8 weeks. Yeah, I'm asking for it!

I started my official training today...My plan called for a 40 minute moderate run (no specific mileage), plus 5 minutes of walking to warm-up and cool-down. I managed to do this and completed a little over 4 miles!

My goal is not to break any records...simply to FINISH the race. Slow and steady. Some of you might remember that on my New Year's resolutions for 2009, I said I wanted to run the 1/2 marathon with my mom in March. That did not happen. I wasn't ready for it physically or mentally! But thanks to the past 4 months or so, I am ready Atlantic Ave. here I come!

For now, I'm going to ice my knees! Preventative measure only, for now :)

Punching, xo

Sunday, July 12, 2009

New Focus

This is going to be short and sweet...I can't elaborate on this just yet, but I think my journey is going to take a different direction very soon! Just wanted to let all my faithful readers know that I have not abandoned this blog OR lost sight of my goals.

I weighed-in this morning, and I stayed the same...I guess I shouldn't complain, there was no gain and I didn't have the best of weeks. Did zumba today, and it was amazing as always!

Punching, xo

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Good Eats

I am proud to say that today has been a great success! I feel like I'm back on track after a couple of questionable days...I woke up this morning and decided to keep myself busy right from the start. Alana and I made our way to the Y, and I got in a nice cardio workout. Today was my "lower body" day, but Alana REALLY wanted to go to the Y--and I figured that after the last couple of days a little extra calorie burning couldn't hurt me! I did 20 minutes on the ARC, followed by a 25 minute run on the treadmill! I was pouring sweat, and man did it feel good! After dinner tonight, I got in my lower body workout...lots of squats, lunges, step-ups...the stuff that is gonna make me crawl down the stairs in the morning :)

I have had a lot of people asking me what I eat on the BFL plan. I thought I'd share it here for once! The plan is pretty don't have to count calories, although calories definitely count. Basically, you eat a protein with a carbohydrate 6 times a day. One cannot be without the other...and you eat portions based on the size of your palm/hand (depending on what it is). I have a hard time getting 6 meals in, and I usually end up with 5...but today, I managed to fit them all in.

1-Chocolate Protein Shake (EAS Whey Protein) w/ 8 oz skim milk, 1 banana, 1 tsp of natural peanut butter.
2-Turkey Sandwich--Boar's Head deli turkey on a whole wheat Sandwich Thin with a little olive oil mayo and lettuce.
3-Zone Perfect Bar-Raisin and Almonds
4-Lowfat Cottage Cheese with Strawberries
5-Chipotle Lime Chicken, Sweet Potato Fries and Fresh Spinach (see picture below!)
6- Myoplex Lite Bar-Caramel Peanut CrispI posted a picture of my dinner, because I was so completely proud. It was the first time I've ever cooked on a grill...and I think it was a success! And I usually don't eat 2 bars a day, but I was hungry and that seemed like the best choice for a nighttime movie snack. I have managed to refrain from eating any of Alana's popcorn, though it smells sooo good :) We are watching "Bedtime Stories" together. We have had a nice few days together, just the two of us. I am so thankful for her...and so excited that 3 weeks from tonight, our family will be complete again.

Punching, xo

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I have decided not to title my posts with days anymore...There's a few reasons behind that. Number one, I get royally confused about what day it is. Number two, there might be days that I don't get a chance to blog. And lastly, I don't want to number the days because that makes it seem like there's a end to this. This is for LIFE.

So the word of the day is "sabotage". Makes me immediately think of the Beastie Boys. Gotta love 'em. I chose that word, because it best describes what I'm doing to myself. This is a cycle that needs to be broken, and quick-like. After being on vacation for 2 weeks and not following plan as strictly as I have been, I knew it would be hard to get back on track. Then I came back to Nashville and found myself wanting to eat right and exercise. I thought, you know how cool is this? I've got it all together. And then, yesterday happened.

I started the day out right. Alana and I didn't go to the Y, but I was supposed to do my upper body workout and I would rather do that here at home anyway. I was SO proud of myself and the routine I did. I felt like I was doing the workout the "right" way. I literally did it by the book. (And my sore muscles today, let me know I did it right!) Well, somewhere between my workout and bedtime I blew it. Let's just say that my dinner of turkey sloppy joes on a whole wheat bun was chased by about half a thing of ice cream that was leftover from Alana's birthday party. I felt miserable today, too...and that's probably the culprit.

Most of today, I was sluggish and not wanting to do much of anything...I did manage to snap out of it by dinner tonight. Alana and I went to Chick Fil-A and then we came home and Alana rode her scooter a little bit. After that, I decided to mow my mom's backyard. It was a cardio workout to say the least!

I always find myself sabotaging things in my life when they start getting good...especially when it concerns diet and exercise. I am sort of a perfectionist when it comes to things and in the past I have had an "all-or-nothing" attitude about lots of stuff. I do not want to fall back into that pattern. Again, this is why I am not going to label things as Day __ of __...This is an on-going process. I don't want it to have that sort of finite measure.

I can and I will conquer this. I will win this battle once and for all...even if it takes me a whole lifetime.

Punching, xo

Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 1 (of my next 12 weeks)

I can't believe I'm back to Day 1 :) I have come so far since my first Day 1! I weighed in this morning (even though I just weighed yesterday), just to have an accurate "starting" weight. I couldn't believe it, when I saw that I had dropped another 0.6 lbs since yesterday!

It felt really good to be back on the BFL eating plan. I went grocery shopping tonight and stocked up on lots of yummy food for the week. The BFL plan says today should've been an upper body workout, but I did zumba this morning and I am too tired to do my weight training. It's not really a big deal, I will just switch my cardio days with my weight days this week. It felt amazing to sweat today! I'm back in it :)

I feel confident that I can keep this up when I go home to VA. I have been a little anxious about how it would play out, but it has become such habit to me I'm sure it will be fine...And I'm pretty sure that Justin is going to embrace the new healthy lifestyle alongside me!

Punching, xo

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Day 84 and some!

I know I have neglected my blog(s) the past couple of weeks. I have wanted to post so many times, but I was either too tired or busy. I'm tired now, but I'm not gonna use that as an excuse tonight :) Day 84 was supposed to be a free day, but I had taken about 3 free days during my last week...I was feeling pretty crummy with some kind of congestion, etc. and I pretty much bombed. We got back to Nashville yesterday, and I was sad to leave FL and glad to get back into my routine at the same time. However, a steak dinner and 4th of July cupcakes were something I couldn't turn down! Against the advice of my husband, I weighed-in this morning. I had honestly prepared myself mentally...I had it in my head that I had to have gained at least 5 lbs over the last 2 weeks. I mean, I'm being honest here...I haven't worked out since the 24th! And I've eaten more junk food than I can even list here. So I guess you wanna know how bad my weigh-in was...I lost 1.8 lbs! I am still baffled by it. I must've weighed and re-weighed 5 times on 2 different scales...

So I rejoice for that. The last time I lost weight and went to FL, I gained about 5 lbs while down there and when I got back it was downhill from there...I did not want that to happen this time. And it won't.

Tomorrow I am going to start my next 12-week BFL challenge. This go 'round I lost somewhere around 22 lbs--plus 4 or 5 lbs that I lost before my official BFL weigh-in. So yeah, I'm down about 26-27 lbs total. I still have about 20-25 to go. It seems like such a huge number, but at the same time I can see the finish line now. I said here before that I wanted to be in the best shape of my life by my 30th birthday. That falls exactly 4 months from tomorrow! I am determined to stay focused. And who knows, after another 12 weeks I might even post some "after" pictures :)

These are my goals for these next 12 weeks:
--Try different foods, using recipes out of the Eating For Life book...not just plain grilled chicken and broccoli for this chick anymore!
--Follow the BFL workout plan more closely...this might be hard, because the cardio is pretty restricted and the weight training is more intense.
--Drop these last 20 lbs or so!!! My goal weight might change, the closer I get to it (depending on my muscle)

Alright folks...There you have it! I came and I conquered...and now I'm doing it all over again! For now though, I'm icing my ankle/foot because I fell down the stairs today (yes, I'm a klutz) and it's throbbing. Hoping to zumba on it in the morning!

Punching, xo

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Days 82 and 83

I haven't posted much the past few days for a few reasons...right now I'm feeling a bit under the weather, hoping that the Mucinex I just took will help soon. I also took my "dose of gross" aka Emergen-C today. My head feels like it weighs 200 lbs, and the rest of me doesn't feel far behind.

Feeling sick doesn't make me want to work out. I can hardly breathe just sitting still, so its obvious that running is out of the question at the moment. On top of that, I haven't made the BEST food choices in the past few days. I've done ok but maybe had one or two things that are considered "off limits" the past two nights. Yes, I am on vacation and I'm out of my routine, but I don't want to fall off track...especially so close to the finish of this challenge!

Tomorrow is the final day of this 12-week journey. I will not be able to post my results until I get back to Nashville...I guess it is therefore a 13-week journey whether I like it or not! Truth be told its a lifetime journey. I feel like this will always be my vice, I will struggle with it forever. But at the same time I know that I can beat it. Baby steps or doesn't matter how.

Punching, xo

Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 81

I am literally just leaving Disney World! It was the most amazing, "magical" time...but I will write about it another time :)

We pretty much declared today as our free day about 5 minutes upon entering the gates of Disney haha. Let's just say it was well worth it. We did walk about 100 miles, though.

Smiling inside and out...soon to be sleeping!

Punching, xo

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 80

I can't believe there are only 4 more days left in my BFL challenge!

Today was filled with a crazy array of emotions. I felt a little under the weather this morning so I didn't workout first thing...I talked to my mom and we were feeling like our last week of the challenge wasn't going as smoothly as we had hoped. I knew before I started that it would end while I was in FL, but it's really hard to find a new groove while out of my comfort zone! Then I got some unsettling news (or the possibility of it) and that threw me for a loop as well.

I'm proud to say I didn't let my emotions get the best of me. Instead I got on the treadmill tonight and ran hard for 30 minutes, followed by some bowflexing :)

We did, however, enjoy birthday cake (yes another!) and ice cream tonight for Alana's soon-to-be birthday. I had only a tiny sliver of cake and a half scoop of ice cream. It was every bit of worth it, too!

I'm planning to sweat it all off at Disney tomorrow anyway!

Punching, xo

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 79

Not much to report today, but I wanted to post anyway...

Started off my day by running for 30 minutes on the treadmill and working up a really nice sweat. Ended the day at Cici's Pizza. Why? Because my dad's youth group went there and we followed. I thought they had a salad bar there--they did have salad, but it was pre-mixed with the dressing and stuff on it already. That kind of put a damper on my dinner "plan". So I admit...I did have 2 pieces of pizza tonight, but they were small! I passed on the dessert pizza and brownies, so I guess I did alright.

Now I'm watching tv before calling it a night!

Punching, xo

Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 78

I started today off soon as I could, I got on the treadmill. I have to admit I could tell I haven't worked out much in the past week. I ran/walked for 20 minutes and then I did some upper body stuff on my dad's Bowflex machine. It was HOT, but I was glad that I got it done before the 106 degree temps that came later!

We ate lunch at Chick Fil-A and tonight my dad took Alana and me to see the movie "Up". It was a great day overall, but I'm pooped.

I also read some of Jillian Michaels book "Winning By Losing" today and it was pretty cool. I'm a junkie when it comes to books and/or magazines that have to do with fitness.

I guess the biggest victory of my day was drinking an unsweet tea while the rest of my family enjoyed Frosties tonight...Mmmm. Honestly? I didn't have a problem passing it up AT ALL!!!

Punching, xo

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day 77

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there who read this blog (um, my dad and Justin)! Its been a good day...a lot of drama from the little one this afternoon but nothing I couldn't fix with some grapes and wheat thins--for her, not me!

We ate lunch at Cracker Barrel (or Crack-up Barrel as Alana calls it). I had my usual grilled chicken, with green beans and turnip greens. Skipped the cornbread. I have found it hard to manage my food the past week or so. I don't eat too much, but I am finding myself not eating much at if I don't have something BFL-approved on hand, I don't eat something "off limits" I just don't eat. I know that this, coupled with my lack of exercise as of late, is not a good thing.

I didn't workout today, either. FL is hot right now...we are talking sweltering heat. I can't go out the door without my glasses fogging up--and trust me, that makes me look awesome :) It is so hot that my dad's AC won't get below 82 no matter what he sets it on. I am laying here with not one, but two fans blowing on me and Alana sleeping next to me, sans pajamas. Now I am not trying to make excuses...but I didn't want to get on the treadmill at 10 p.m. when I can't even stop sweating just sitting here. I WILL get on the treadmill in the morning, though...I cannot lose my focus now.

It's almost funny, because I thought my problem would be with the food thing...that I would be tempted down here. I'm unbelievably amazed at how easily I sat holding Alana's doughnut this morning at church, not even wanting a nibble...I really have come a long way these past 11 weeks. And it feels good!

Punching, xo

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 76

I'm posting from yet another state tonight! We made it to FL safe and sound! I am super tired but I wanted to report anyway.

Weighed in a day early, because we were leaving this afternoon. I lost 2 lbs this week! I am super happy with that, especially at this point in my challenge AND considering my lack of workouts last week.

I made today my free day, because we were supposed to go eat with some of Nancy's family at my most favorite restaurant in town (Mt. Dora Pizza). I figured it was safer that way, since they don't have any BFL worthy food :) Alana was pretty grouchy, so we ended up eating take-out from there. I had baked spaghetti and greek salad. Ohhhh it was yummy!

Didn't get a workout in but I'm so tired and so full of food! I'm going to get on it tomorrow though for sure...

Punching, xo

Friday, June 19, 2009

Day 75

Not much to report today...unfortunately! I woke up bright and early...then thought I was going to go to the Y, because Alana had KidFit. She decided that she didn't want to go for whatever reason, so we went to the splash park here in Smyrna instead. It was a nice change, and the water felt good considering it was 95+ degrees today!

I had planned to go to zumba tonight, so I didn't think it was any big deal that we missed the Y this morning...and then my brother called to say he was leaving town tonight and that I might not see him again before I go back to VA. He wanted to have dinner, and well, I can't say no to him :) I would choose dinner with Jonathan over zumba any night...and I LOVE zumba!

Then I planned to get on the treadmill tonight...that got squashed, too...So no workout today...I only went to the Y once all week, and that was for zumba Monday night. I REALLY feel like a loser! Just makes me realize how much I like working out, and how much better it makes me feel!

I will be weighing in tomorrow instead of Sunday, because I am leaving for FL and won't be here to weigh-in like normal. I am SUPER excited to be going to FL, but I admit I'm a bit nervous about the last 9 days of my challenge...Here's to staying focused while on vacation in sunny FL!

Punching, xo

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 74

Back in TN! I left Norfolk at 2:25 a.m. and I'm still awake...barely! I DID make it back in time to go mail a package to Justin and take Alana to her last swim lesson! My eating has been the same as the last 2 days. I haven't eaten anything "off" plan, but I definitely haven't gotten 6 meals in, either. I didn't get a workout arms are so sore from weed-eating yesterday. I will admit that while Alana was swimming at the Y, I was daydreaming--wishing that I was in the gym working out! I'm off to bed, as I have a day of packing tomorrow! We leave for FL on Saturday :)

Punching, xo

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 73

Phew, I'm exhausted!!! This is the first time I've taken a break since 5:45 this morning (Eastern time!) Its been a crazy busy day, but I managed to get everything I needed to get done, done--and some!

I barely ate again today...which isn't a good thing! By the time I did try to eat dinner, Chick Fil-A's chargrill was down...and of course I'd already paid for my I opted to eat a regular chicken breast BUT with the whole wheat bun instead. It was soooo yummy, too! I didn't "exercise" either, but I did mow two lawns, get two different decals for two different cars, as well as put air in all of their tires, dusted and swept my apartment, went to the doctor twice (no worries it was all good) and even managed to shop in between. All I want to do now is sleep, but I've got a load of laundry to finish first!

It's up before daylight to make the trek back to TN tomorrow! I'm glad...being home by myself has been too weird! In a way it's exciting though, because it means I'm that much closer to Justin being home! Driving over the water last night, I looked over at the pier and smiled...because it won't be long til I'm standing there watching my hubby walk off that ship!

Hoping to get a real workout in tomorrow!

Oh! I almost forgot!!! When I went to the dr I weighed in at like 22 lbs less than I did 3 months ago when I was there :)

Punching, xo

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day 72

I've never posted a blog from my Blackberry, but there's a first time for everything so here goes! I am actually laying in MY bed in MY house on MY pillows...its so nice but really very weird, as I've never spent a night here without Justin OR Alana! I also don't have cable or internet, because I had it temporarily cut off while I've been in TN to save an extra $100 a month! Needless to say, its eerily quiet (except for the jet noise that comes with living in military housing).

My drive here was uneventful, which is a good thing! I made it here in 10 1/2 hours, only stopping twice the whole 700 miles :) I'm waiting for the lectures to start about how I need to get out and walk around! I found my home in one Beetle was still here, with no flat tires. And although my house stinks from being closed up so's all good!

So, for today's update...I ate well, but very little as I was driving. I knew there was NO food here so I stopped and picked up Chick Fil-A before I got home...grilled chicken sammie and fruit. It was so boring that I was going to get on the treadmill and then realized I left all of my tennis shoes in TN. So I compromised and got in a good workout with my punching bag. And I also did lunges and some arms and planks. So yeah...I did something anyway!

The most amazing part of my day was trying on jeans tonight from my closet. Pair after pair slipped right the point I was flipping out! There were a few pairs (out of about a dozen) that still don't fit--but they are small anyway! OMG I was soooooooo pumped! They didn't even come close to fitting even the last time I was here in Norfolk.

I am focused and even more motivated to finish strong! I have a lot to accomplish tomorrow, but for now I'm going to watch Twilight...yes, I am awesome.

Punching, xo (quite literally tonight!)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Day 71

I have been dragging all day today...and I'm pretty sure it was thanks to the sugar overload yesterday. It's nice to feel awful after a free day, though. It reminds me how bad I felt on a regular basis before starting this challenge. Alana had a pretty rough night last night, and consequently so did my mom and me! I didn't want to leave for Norfolk today, so I put it off til tomorrow...and I still don't want to go...but I need to!

My mom and Alana went to watch Liam tonight. I found myself sitting here alone and bored, and I started to think I was hearing the cake and ice cream leftover from yesterday talking to me. BUT instead of caving and giving in like I would typically do...I went to the Y and did 45 minutes of zumba! I didn't go this morning, and I didn't workout Saturday or I was having major withdrawals. I am so proud of myself for channeling that boredom towards something physically active instead of sitting here and scarfing down junk. Victory is mine! And the self-discipline paid off!

I'm still bored...but I'm also tired and going to bed soon. Tomorrow is going to be a long day!

Punching, xo

Days 69 and 70

I just realized we have TWO WEEKS left! Kind of wishing I didn't take full-on advantage of my free day today :) I didn't post last night, because my friend Felicia came into town for Alana's birthday party today. We went to dinner at Cracker Barrel and spent time catching up. It was nice! I've missed her! By the time everyone went to bed and called it a night, I was in, too tired to even post a blog. I kind of slacked anyways...well, on the exercise. I didn't work out, but I did eat according to plan. I have heard that's like 80% of the battle anyway :)

Today was Alana's party...I planned it strategically on a Sunday (or Free Day as we know it in this house). We seriously had a house full of sugar, and I am regretting every bite of it that I ate at this moment. My mom and I were talking about it tonight...We always feel AWFUL by the end of Sunday--craving some food that is good for us. This helps me realize how great what we are doing really is. We have changed those habits that I thought would never be broken.

I was planning to go back to Norfolk in the morning to take care of a few things before we go to FL this coming weekend...but I am SO tired that I am going to wait until Tuesday to go now.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot!!! I had my weigh-in this morning, and I lost another pound. One exactly. I'm so excited though, because I hit my next "decade" of numbers on the scale! Woohoo!!!

I want the last 2 weeks of my first BFL program to be as focused as the first 2 weeks!

Punching, xo

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day 68

It's almost midnight and I'm just now getting around to posting! It's been a good and busy day...I woke up SORE this morning...I am totally loving it, though! It's been a while. I guess Justin felt the need to end our sessions on a painful note :) I went to the Y regardless, because Alana had KidFit today. I got in a good 30 minute run on the treadmill. It's scary, but I actually enjoyed it! It feels so good to be able to run without feeling like I'm going to pass out in a minute.

Spent some time outside with Alana and Caitlyn (my mom's neighbor) while they played. I love sitting on the front porch swing, feeling the breeze and listening to Alana laugh over the sound of wind chimes. It's the simple things in life! We went to Logan's for a late lunch/early dinner with my mom. It was yummy, as usual.

I got another call from Justin today, too! Gosh, I was so excited to talk to him...and then he got all emotional and choked up on the phone. It was the hardest thing, having to hang up the phone knowing that he was feeling the way he was...It KILLS him not being able to be here for monumental Alana's birthday parties...and at the same time he is willing to make that sacrifice for our family. So it's hard...

It has become my Friday night tradition to go to zumba :) Alana and I went back to the Y tonight and I did an hour of zumba...with yet ANOTHER instructor! She was awesome, though...Lots of squats and lunges in her routines tonight! I am probably gonna be laid up all day tomorrow!

Punching, xo

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 67

Hello folks. Thought I'd introduce you to my favorite trainer, Justin. I know it's kind of late, being as today was my last workout with him...sniff, sniff...

Me and J-Gro
(love how sweaty my shirt is post workout haha)

I felt like it I was going to a funeral today. It was sad. I said I was still in denial. Justin said he was working towards the acceptance stage :) I have thoroughly enjoyed the 20 sessions that I have worked out with Justin. He has helped me in so many ways...I obviously have to do the work, but he has pushed me past what I thought were my limits. How far I've come since that first day when I puked into the trash can while he held it...I told him today that I almost had eggs for breakfast, just for old time's sake.

After our workout, I did 20 minutes on the Arc...Eating has been smooth sailing today...and I got my hair cut. It's been a busy day. It could've been a day of mourning...but I say it's the start of what I was talking about yesterday--my SELF-discipline!

Punching, xo

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Days 64-66

I have been slacking on my blog...For that, I am sorry. I am gonna try to clump the last few days together into one post, to the best of my ability. Here's the recap:

Monday-Zuuuuuumba...followed by 10 minutes on the Arc and a lot of minutes of Alana acting crazy and making me want to pull my hair out.

Tuesday-Workout with Justin...He had me warming up on the elliptical on Level SEVENTEEN. Ok, seriously...when I started this jazz a couple of months ago, Level 4 made me want to pass out. Once again, I conquered. After the session, I did another 20 minutes on the Arc. And once again...I had a VERY stressful day with Alana. It's overwhelming sometimes. I am not a single parent, but sometimes it feels that way. I am blessed to have my mom here, though...We are learning to laugh through the tantrums (to keep from crying haha) I ended the day with a bowl of Lucky Charms and some Cheeze-Its for dinner. Awesome, right? I don't know what the deal was just one of those days. I hate feeling like I'm back in the trap of eating for reasons other than being hungry or to fuel my body...Baby steps!

And today (Wednesday)-Zumba this morning, along with 20 minutes on the elliptical and a much better behaved child. The day is not over, but I am determined to stay on track with my eating today!

I came across this website this morning, and it is all about self-discipline. I ordered a bracelet for both my mom and myself that says just that. I want to remind myself that no one else can do this but me. I told my mom today that I want to finish this 12-weeks as strong (if not stronger) than I started it...and what happens at the end of the 12-weeks? I start another 12-week challenge...This is for LIFE...and it's working for me :)

On an upbeat and makes-me-smile-a-big-cheesy-smile-while-I-type-this note...JUSTIN CALLED ME TODAY!!! He is in port, and I have not talked to him for quite a while--like a total of 10 minutes in the past 3 1/2 months...It was very nice to hear his voice and he had lots of sweet words to say. So thankful for him.

Oh, and tomorrow is my last workout with Trainer Justin...sigh.

Punching, xo

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 63

I don't usually post too many pictures on this blog, but I'm too lazy to post 2 today...No, really I just don't have that much material :)

Yes, I'm posing like a dork...
Alana was refusing to take a picture with me outside, because the sun was too bright!

So we moved inside...
Liam SO wanted to be in the picture with us!

So we let him!

One more...
Then time for church!

We missed our official Sunday pictures last week (the ones we send to Justin), so we had to be sure to get them today. My hair was wet, thanks to poor planning...and yes, I am wearing a skirt that shows my LEGS! Hopefully you won't be blinded by the reflection of their lack of color :)

Today was weigh-in day...Guess what?! I lost THREE pounds exactly! I was soooooo excited when I stepped on the scale. I honestly had no idea what to expect, considering how crazy my week has been...go figure. I will not complain, though. I am encouraged by this!

It's been a fun day...After church, we had a block party on my mom's street. It was amazing! They had a big jumpy thing for the kids, music, dancing, lots of was 95 degrees at one point, though. Ugh. I don't know how I survived my first 21 years in FL weather haha. Now my mom and I are watching "He's Just Not That Into You", even though I saw it in the theater with Justin before he left. I probably won't make it through the entire thing tonight...I'm spent! And I need to get my rest for zumba tomorrow morning!

WEEK 10 here I come...

Punching, xo

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Day 62

First, a birthday shout out to my trainer Justin today. I'm shouting, but he won't know because he doesn't even know I have a blog and he's definitely not cool enough to read it :) Regardless, Happy Birthday to Justin G.

It's late and I have had an amazing, fun-filled day!

We went shopping--My mom, Alana and I...Literally, we were gone for over 8 hours! I can't tell you how long it's been since we've done that. It used to be a fairly common occurrence, though. I kept saying, "Wow, it feels like the good ol' days..." Alana was such a good sport! She didn't have any meltdowns the entire time, which TRUST ME is a victory in itself :) AND...I got some new workout apparel...SHORTS!!! This is a huge huge huge deal, because I normally loathe the thought of myself in anything above the knee :)

I ate great today, even though we were out for most of it. I missed my workout, though. By the time we got home, the Y was closed...and Alana is sleeping upstairs with me tonight, so the treadmill is out of the question. I won't beat myself up over it. My mom and I laughed hard enough, that I feel like that clearly counts as an ab workout--SOMEthing! We are in the process of making these index card boxes that will hold workout cards...Let's just say it turned into like an 8th grade slumber party over here, and my mom and I were getting goofier by the minute with it.

Tomorrow morning is my weigh-in...Not really looking forward to it this week. It's been crazy, being as I was sick at the beginning of the week. I haven't written down one thing in my BFL journal since last week at this time. We shall see what that proves. I have still been following my eating plan and worked out most days, just didn't write it in my book. I will definitely be sure to update tomorrow with my progress!

So thankful for such a wonderful day...

Punching, xo

Friday, June 5, 2009

Day 61

Happy Friday! Today was another double workout day! I had to go to the Y this morning, because of KidFit :) I ran for 20 minutes and did the Arc for 10 and then I was done. I saw Justin and was chatting with him a bit...he said I didn't seem as "effervescent" as I normally do. That's a weird choice of words, I know--makes me think of Alka Seltzer...but that's just my trainer for ya! I told him I just didn't have it in me for some reason. Usually I get there and immediately become motivated. My run was good, but by the time I got on the Arc I felt like I needed a nap. I guess I need to just listen to my body.

Tonight, we all went back to the Y. "We all" being my mom, Alana and I. I usually can't take Alana twice in one day...there are time limits! But since we only spent 45 minutes there this morning, she still had some time. I did zumba, while my mom worked out her cardio (this is a reference to that amazing Nashville commercial for all y'all locals!) Zumba was fun, but we only did ONE routine I knew tonight in an hour...and there was a 6-foot tall lady in front of me, blocking my view from the instructor. Every time I'd move, she'd move...It's all good, though. I managed :) Can I say that my pants kept falling down, too?! Gotta love drawstrings!

Alana fell asleep on the couch tonight. She was soooo worn out! I'm hoping she sleeps good so that the rest of us can, too! She had exercise class, played outside with the neighbor kids, jumped on the trampoline and then went back to the Y and ran around outside...The weather was BEAUTIFUL today. I asked my mom if it would be possible to somehow freeze frame the weather for the rest of eternity...

Hoping for another beautiful one tomorrow!

Punching, xo

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day 60

I have a feeling I might have to crawl to my computer to post tomorrow :) This morning I had my first workout with Justin in a week. He didn't have any sort of sympathy for me having been sick, and he surely didn't go easy on me! That's what makes him a good trainer! It was a lot of burning muscles...a lot of sweat POURING off of me...and a lot of him saying "Don't quit, keep going, get up!!!" Hahaha.

I was starving today...I didn't eat anything off plan, though. I have just been super hungry and can't quench my thirst for anything. We ate dinner at Logan's tonight, as a farewell to my Grandma who is going to SC for a little while to visit. I had grilled chicken and broccoli and salad, unsweet tea.

On a NSV note...I had to change my clothes after a quick trip to the party store today (to pick up party supplies for Alana's upcoming party). My shorts were FALLING off of me. Like, to the point Alana was like "Mommy, pull your pants up" haha. And these are shorts that were super tight when I went home not too long ago. So I put on some jeans that I wore just a couple of weeks ago that were pretty tight...and they were loose!!! It's so crazy...It totally excited me and keeps me wanting more :)

Enough of all that baggy clothes talk...for NOW!

Punching, xo

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Day 59

Feeling 100 million % better than I did yesterday...Or as Alana would say, "A hundred meeeellion beeeeeellion" haha. It must've been a 24 hour bug, because it literally came and went in almost exactly 24 hours!

So after a good night's rest, I got up this morning and went to zumba. It is getting ridiculous how packed that class is now that school's out. I am so glad that I pretty much have the routines down, otherwise I'd be tripping over people left and right. It's just...that...crowded. Eating has been good, and I'm going to work out with Justin again in the morning. It's been a week! I'm sure he's going to kill me...

It's been a fun and busy day...Now I have to get Alana to bed and follow soon behind her.

Punching, xo

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Days 57 and 58

My lack of posting last night was unintentional. I was overtaken by horrible stomach pains and nausea, which have somewhat subsided. I was up ALL night sick, so I had to cancel my workout session with Justin this morning. My mom picked me up some gatorade and I've been sipping on that today while Alana is happily playing with her friend from across the street. She starts swimming lessons this evening, so I hope that I feel well enough to go sit at the Y while she has fun!

Yesterday morning, my mom and I took our 8-week pictures. Again, I was amazed at how much my body has transformed in just 8 weeks. It's funny because if you just look at the after pictures, they don't look that spectacular...until you see the before pictures! You will just have to take my word for it :) I was so excited to workout after seeing them, that I went to zumba followed by 20 minutes on the ARC (at a higher level than usual).

As far as eating goes, yesterday started off well...Sometime after I ate lunch my stomach started hurting and I just felt off. I definitely didn't eat anything "bad"...I just barely ate anything at all. Today I have yet to attempt eating, though I am gonna have to soon. The gatorade isn't gonna hold me over much longer. I'm just scared after a long night of throwing up...sorry if that's TMI, but it's reality.

Another bump in the road, but not one that's gonna stop me...maybe just slow me down a little.

Punching, xo

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Days 55 and 56

Yeah, I know I didn't post last night...It was honestly just me being lazy, taking the night off! I didn't even email Justin before I went to bed...and that's NOT normal.

I had my weigh-in this morning and did my 8-week measurements. Didn't get to do my pictures, because my mom was not home this morning...We will do them tomorrow or the next day, though. I lost 0.8 lbs and another 5 inches or so. I get really frustrated on Sundays. I was telling my mom at lunch today that it's hard because every other "diet" I have done (ie, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Atkins...the list goes on) I have lost weight pretty quickly and steadily. And usually I do not exercise as much as I should...She agreed but was quick to point out that I've also GAINED the weight back every time. I have most likely lost muscle all of those times, instead of this time where I know I am gaining it. Which brings me to what I've learned this week.

My new mantra is: "I am a golf ball...I AM a golf ball..."

Let me explain :) My mom was reading a different weight loss-type book this week. It was one she had read 5 or 6 years ago and just decided to pick back up. In the book, it uses the example of a golf ball vs a tennis ball. A golf ball is smaller than a tennis ball, but it weighs more. I am still 30 lbs heavier than I was 2 years ago at this time...And yet, I managed to put on some jeans that I wore then (albeit, they were too tight to wear). Point is, I couldn't so much as get them over my knees a month ago. I don't want the scale to dictate my progress, but as a female I just think it's hard to get past that. We want to see that number go down just as we want the sizes of our clothing to. So I keep telling myself that I am a golf ball. I am smaller than I was, even though I don't weigh a lot less. I am down about 19 lbs since I got to Nashville about 10 weeks ago.

I am determined to keep going. I could honestly keep this routine up for the rest of my far as eating "clean" Monday-Saturday and then having the free Sunday. It seriously takes away all the madness of feeling deprived. I ate what I wanted holding back. I had chips and salsa at lunch...I had a Coffee Toffee Twisted Frosty this afternoon (mmm)...and a cheeseburger Happy Meal for dinner. Do I feel bad about it? No. I enjoyed my day and I know that tomorrow morning, I will be at zumba not even thinking about it. This is the way that I have to do things. I want to be focused, but I do not want my weight to dictate how I feel. I have a history of being an "all-or-nothing" kinda person...and I want that to change. I want to do this right...and you know, the slower it comes off...the longer it will stay there.

Punching, xo

Friday, May 29, 2009

Day 54

Ooooooooh yeah.

What an amazing Friday :) We went to the Y this morning, so Alana could go to her KidFit class and I could get my cardio in. I emailed Justin and told him that "I only did 40 minutes of cardio" and then laughed at myself. Who'd have thought that statement would ever come from my mouth? When we got home, I got a quick shower and we went with my mom and grandma to Murfreesboro for an appointment my grandma had...Then we hit up one of my favorite places to eat, Jason's Deli. Mmmm.

My mom and Alana went to spending the evening with Liam. I got caught up on all my shows on the DVR and thought about taking a nap...Grandma was sleeping and it was WAY too quiet in this house. Then I decided that instead of sleeping, I'd go zumba. That's right my friends, I went BACK to the Y and did an hour of zumba tonight. It was SO much fun. I swear it gets better every time. This time was with my fourth instructor...and I've liked each one better :) When I came down the stairs after class, Justin was standing there smiling. "Zumba?" Haha. Then he told me to go do some cardio. I told him I already did my cardio for the day and he said to do some more. Then he told me to go stretch...After a bunch of arguing, I told him I would go home and stretch out on my couch :) Which is what I did...eventually.

It's still quiet in the house...My mom and Alana have yet to return, and the only noise is the tv blaring in my grandma's room, down the hall. I don't know how she sleeps with that thing so loud! I've cleaned what I can clean, the laundry is done and folded and put the only thing left to do is crawl into my bed and read--or go to sleep early.

I wish everyday felt like today has...

Punching, xo

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day 53

Another day down...It's been a SUPER busy day for me. I usually go to the gym in the morning and then after that it's pretty chill. Today I didn't stop until, oh, 10 minutes ago. I decided I better post now, before I fall asleep :)

Had a really great workout this morning with Justin. I just feel like I am getting so much stronger. I have 3 more workouts with him, and I'm hoping I can keep it up when I'm done. Cardio is a cinch for me to do on my own...but the weights are a different story! I have been writing down what I do with him each session, so hopefully I can make up my own workouts loosely based on what we've done.

Eating was also good. My grandma won a "free" dinner for 6 at the Catfish House, so we went (along with Lindsay and Liam) and ate. It was kind of funny, you know...if it seems too good to be true then it probably is, right? Well, it turns out that it was a Fire Safety Presentation and we would've had to go sit in this one room with a bunch of other people and eat what they gave us :) We opted to stay out in the main restaurant and order what we wanted, free or not. I had grilled scallops and turnip greens...a few pieces of fried okra, but definitely didn't go overboard!

Just a few more days until our 8-week weigh-in, measuring, and pictures! We'll see how much "progress" I have made!

Punching, xo

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day 52

I'm back! I never went anywhere, but yesterday I felt like I was somewhere else...

Went to zumba this morning! It was amazing, as always. I love that class, because it gets easier to follow with every class I attend...and it goes by SO fast! I was actually sad when they said we had to stop because the next class was coming in...Love it! Then I did 20 minutes on the Arc...23 if you want to get all technical :)

My eating is back on track today. I'm strangely proud to say that last night I went to bed feeling MISERABLE. This was a good thing, though. It reminds me how much better I feel when I feed my body what it really needs and not what I think I want.

Special love and thanks to Brooke...I know I'm not in this alone anyway, but friend--you make me feel so much better about things on a daily basis. You're amazing!

Gotta go finish up my special "Father's Day" package for Justin and get to bed. Session with the other Justin first thing in the morning!

Punching, xo

Day 51

We all have them...Yesterday was one of those days. It started off pretty good, but by about 4 or 5 p.m. started slowly going downhill. I wish I could say what was wrong, but I don't know. I had an amazing workout with Justin in the morning, followed by some more cardio on the Arc. Alana didn't put up a fuss about going to the gym (which I was very thankful for!)...I came home and cleaned and booked our flights to FL! I was very excited about that. Maybe that's what set me over the edge--the uncertainty and stepping out of my little comfort zone I've created here. Well, let's just say that the leftover pizza in the fridge was screaming my name and I broke. I ate it. On a Tuesday. (Then I threw the rest in the trash) Later, I ate some Lucky Charms. All the while, I was telling myself not to do it. It's frustrating, because I like to be in control. And plainly put, it sucks not feeling like you have control. Maybe that's my problem. I am trying to take control...The good news? Today is a new day. And I am on my way to the gym in a little while to work out. Progress, not perfection...

Punching, xo

Monday, May 25, 2009

Day 50

Happy Memorial Day!

We skipped the bbq today, after the rotten day of eating yesterday :) Let's see...first thing this morning, I hit the gym--only to find that so did everyone else! It was sooo super crowded! The Y was only opened from 8-4 today, so I think that everyone who usually is working during the hours I go was were those who go at night. I got in 30 minutes on the Arc, which is a feat in itself. Then I attempted to find another form of cardio, and there wasn't a single machine open. My mom was home with Alana and had to train with Justin, so I had to get back home. When I got here, I jumped on the treadmill and ran 2.5 miles! It felt amazing! I ate wonderfully today...We did get the Chick Fil-A dinner in :) Can't go wrong there!

On a total non-BFL related subject, I am excited as we are planning a trip to FL next month for Alana's birthday/visiting ALL of our family there! It should be so much fun! Lots to do! I was just watching Jon and Kate Plus 8 (sad, to say the least) and Kate kept saying how she can't believe the sextuplets turned 5...I feel her pain! I can't believe Alana is going to be 5, either. And can I just say that despite all the tabloid drama going on with that family...I honest to goodness just want to hug them both. I know their confusion. I've felt it. I just pray that they can muster through whatever this is they're going through...God is bigger than it all! Wow, I got sidetracked there but I'm not deleting it :) But back to the FL thing. I've already been advised that I have a way to workout no matter who I'm visiting in FL! Yay for motivation and catering people!

Hoping for an amazing workout with Justin in the morning!

Punching, xo

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day 49

Yes, I'm a dork. I post pictures of myself on my blog. My weigh-in was not as successful as I'd like to have thought it would be...I lost 0.4 lbs, woo-flippin-hoo. The good news is that I wore this size MEDIUM shirt today :) This is another nice NSV.

Soooo...Today has been pretty much all over the place for me emotionally. I can't piece my thoughts together well enough to blog about it. The biggest thing has been this. I have tried to think of how to write this post with it still making clear and perfect sense, but I don't know that it's possible. I pretty much ate like crap today. I ate some chocolate, I ate some starbursts (only 2)...We had pizza for dinner, which I only ate one piece and was done...but THEN I hit up the dessert pizza and ate enough of that to make up for it. The worst part is that it was all just mindless, emotional eating. I hate it. It doesn't matter how much I miss my husband or how tired I am or how badly I want to sleep in my own bed sometimes...I shouldn't be eating to make it better. It's all a big learning curve, right?

We started a sermon series in James today, which happens to be one of my favorite books of the Bible. The pastor said something that got to me...maybe not in the way he had planned for it to, but regardless it did. He said how lucky we are that we don't have to be perfect to follow Christ. He doesn't make us wait til we've reached perfection (and thank goodness, because we would never get there)...But He takes us AS WE ARE and loves us just the same. So who cares if I only lost 0.4 lbs. This is about progress, not perfection...and I am loved no matter what the scale says.

And knowing that, this week I am going to push harder and go stronger...

Punching, xo

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Day 48

Today was a great day! I ate my weight in watermelon, and we had a yummy dinner that my mom cooked out for us. Mmm. I just got off the treadmill--I had a late workout tonight. So it goes some days. I figured I needed to get my butt moving since tomorrow morning is my weigh-in...I REALLY didn't want to, though!

Lindsay and Liam came over tonight and we had turkey burgers (my mom grilled them!) and sweet potato fries. I can tell that the BFL thing has changed me, because I was saying how I would rather eat that meal than any fast food burger and fries. Grandma didn't agree with me, but hey it's hard to break a 70 year old's habits :) She did however devour every bite of hers! Alana kept saying how delicious the meal was...

Looking forward to our free day tomorrow! We get to spend most of it with my favorite little nephew! That's enough to brighten anyone's day! But for now, I need to go email my favorite sailor and call it a night.

Punching, xo

Friday, May 22, 2009

Day 47

I'm writing this while sitting on my mom's front porch, soaking in the amazing weather! I could seriously sit out here for hours. Alana is playing across the street with all the neighborhood kids...It's gonna be hard to go home!

I woke up in the middle of the night last night, only to realize that I was already super sore! When I actually got out of bed this morning, I hobbled down the stairs and ate some ibuprofen for breakfast :) Today was Alana's exercise class, so we headed off the to Y without a fight (of course!) Even though I was sore, I did 20 minutes on the treadmill and then another 20 minutes on the Arc. My mom is at the Y working out with Justin right now. I sent her with the message that he did his job yesterday! I am pretty glad that I'm sore, if I'm being honest. It lets me know that I worked as hard as I thought I did!

The eating this has been fine, but when Grandma made a hawaiian pizza for lunch today, I had to go upstairs and take a shower. It smelled soooo good (and I smelled soooo bad haha). She offered me a piece, which I reluctantly turned down. If it would've been Sunday, that pizza would've been so gone! I have a weakness, what can I say? I might have to order some Papa John's on Sunday night. When I lived with my mom before, we used to order it every Sunday night and watch Desperate Housewives :)

I can't believe another week has come to an end. It seems like time is flying by so fast. In a way it's good...but it's also my life that is flying by! And Alana's starting school soon!!! Ahhh!!!

Here's to a fantastic weekend!

Punching, xo

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Day 46

What a great day! I trained with Justin this morning...It was fantastic, as always. He asked me first thing if I was sore at all after our last workout. I feel like there is never a good answer to that question, but I answered honestly and said no...He said, "Not even a little bit?" Again, I hesitated and said "Nope, not even one bit." This was followed by, "Mrs. P we are gonna have to change that today!" I might regret my honesty in the morning! I will admit that I enjoy a little muscle soreness these days, long as I can move! After my 35 minutes with Justin, I did 20 minutes on the Arc...He said I owed him 15 minutes, but I go above and beyond :)

After coming home and getting a shower, we hit up our other two favorite places...Chick Fil-A and Target! Then Alana and I headed over to Nashville to stay with Liam while Lindsay took Jon to the airport. (He was napping)...We SO wanted to wake him up and love on him, but we resisted...this time! Sunday, he will be fair game, though!!!

It's really been a great day. I couldn't ask for much more...

Punching, xo

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day 45

I'm posting earlier than usual tonight, because I plan on watching the American Idol finale. Fingers crossed for Kris Allen. PLEASE America...I'm begging!

Ok, so enough about that...Today is coming to a close. For that I am thankful. Another day that started off pretty crummy. Alana was screaming and throwing a fit about not wanting to go to the Y. This is a new thing, considering she usually loves to go. She said she just wanted to stay home all day and play. At first, I threw up my hands and took off my tennis shoes. I thought I would rather stay home and get on the treadmill here than fight with her. Then my mom knocked some much-needed sense into me and told me that she can't be boss. It's true. So I almost literally drug her to the gym...(and yes, she had a great time once she got there)

Once we got there, I hit up the treadmill (all the Arcs were occupied) for 30 minutes. I did another good run...I'm so impressed with my endurance, I know I sound like a broken record! Then by the time I got off there were 3 out of 4 Arcs empty, so I did 15 minutes on the Arc...I had to go pick up my Grandma from physical therapy, so I had to get out of there.

And now, my day is done...

Punching, xo

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Days 43 and 44

I know I didn't post last night...Truth is, I didn't even open my computer. It was just one of those days. I don't have any other excuses! I'm having major issues with my child! We had a super busy, long day on Sunday...but the way she was acting yesterday was beyond a sleepy mood. It gets a bit wearing...Thank goodness I'm here at my mom's. It's hard being a "single parent". I am a very patient person, but my buttons have been pushed way too many times in the past 48 hours! All that being said, I love being a mom and wouldn't trade it for the world! And I love Alana more than anything!

I tried on two separate occasions to go to the Y yesterday and work out...neither was successful! I am not gonna go into the gory details, but see the above paragraph :) I could have gotten on the treadmill here, but I was so frazzled that didn't happen either. Today I worked out with Justin. It seemed like forever since I had a session with him, and we did some pretty good stuff! I was enjoying every minute...I missed two days of working out, and it seemed like two months. That's a good sign, right?

The food thing has been a pain in my butt the past two days also. I haven't eaten anything bad...I think the problem was our lack of groceries. If the food isn't there, you can't eat it...and you have to scrounge around to figure out what you can eat to stay on plan. I figure if the worst thing I eat is Fiber One cereal with skim milk, the world will not end...We all equally loathe grocery shopping in this house. My mom finally gave in and made the trip tonight! So I'm hoping for a better tomorrow! Alana and I did enjoy a yummy meal with Uncle Jonny and Liam at Zaxby's today...I had a salad with grilled chicken. Let's face it, not a lot to choose from that is healthy on that menu :)

I am ridiculously tired, because as if yesterday wasn't long mom woke me up in the middle of the night, doubled over in pain. She was seriously ill. She is not the type of person to be complaining about not feeling well, and she practically crawled up the stairs to my room and said she wanted to be in there "in case something happened to her". This of course freaked me out. Then she asked me to take her blood pressure...I did, and it was super low, as was her heart rate. After she finally got a little rest, she is MUCH MUCH better today, but please pray for her...I hope whatever it was that hit her last night never shows its ugly face again!

There will always be obstacles, but it's what we do when we reach them that matters...

Punching, xo

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Day 42...HALF...WAY...DAY!!!

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:
(sans make-up sorry for that!)

I weighed in today...Most likely by now, everyone who reads my blog already knows how much I lost, but for those who don't I shall share! I lost 1.6 lbs this week...I am thrilled with that! Whodathunkit? It means that I've lost exactly 5 lbs in the past 2 weeks, and I'm almost sure that I will continue to lose at a good pace. My body is finally giving in and giving up on resisting the change.

So my mini doughnut (which you can see, is barely big enough to capture on film) was amazing. I admit, I ate TWO. I still don't even think that 2 equal one regular size doughnut...But anywho, I ate two and was able to walk away and be done with it...didn't feel the least bit of remorse, either :) For lunch, we ate at Cracker Barrel. While I didn't eat anything too terribly awful, I probably ate MORE than I needed to of it...and I felt it too! That's the best part of the "free" day. You eat like you used to and remember how horrible it makes you feel...physically and mentally. I was honestly giving my system a good halfway shock today. Tomorrow, it's back to the grind.

I am so happy and so proud of myself for making it this far into my journey, while still being completely focused. Most people who know me, know that one of my biggest issues is actually finishing what I start. I would like to say right now, that for me...this is a life change. I am not going way, no how.

It is, after all "Body for LIFE"...

Punching, xo

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Day 41

Saturdays are always fun, because we (my mom and I) know that the next day is FREE! We haven't really indulged since the beginning, but being as tomorrow is the end of our first 6 weeks--that's right we are HALF WAY--there are some Krispy Kremes in the kitchen waiting to be eaten in the morning. :) I wish I could say I was kidding, but I'm not. I still haven't decided if I will eat one or not...I guess that decision will most likely be made post weigh-in. Who am I kidding? I will eat one. If I lose weight, I will eat one because I feel safe to do so...and if I don't lose weight, I will eat one to treat the emotions haha. They ARE mini doughnuts...if that's any consolation!

OOOOOOK. So today was good. I got up first thing and did my workout with weights at home. I put off the cardio for later...and then when I had my shoes laced up, it decided to storm so bad outside that I was scared to leave for the gym. I waited...and waited...and waited...and then, I went! I did 20 minutes on the Arc and then 20 minutes on the rowing machine!

I am super tired...and I am also super excited because (I think) I am meeting up with a good friend tomorrow to catch up and let our kiddos play. I am not sure who is more excited, actually--me or Alana! Praying for good weather!

Tomorrow is weigh-day! I will post my results, good or bad!

Punching, xo

Friday, May 15, 2009

Day 40

The day started off a bit rough...Alana was melting down over everything, and after I took Advil PM to sleep last night...well, I was sluggish and not wanting to deal with it :) Once we got to the gym, everything got better though!

While Alana had her exercise class, I killed it on the Arc and then on the treadmill. I cannot even explain how much better my endurance is in such a short time. A couple of months ago, I couldn't even run for a minute without wanting to die...Today I ran for 25 of 30 minutes--and survived! It's kind of embarrassing because my face gets ridiculously red when I run...but my mom says I just need to get over it :) I think she's right!

I'm going to attempt to make it to zumba in the's my new found love. Well, I have a love/hate relationship with it. I love to go, and I hate to feel as uncoordinated as it makes me feel at times!

Week 6 is coming to an end very soon!!!

Punching, xo

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 39

I just finished watching the very intense season finale of Grey's Anatomy. OH MY GOODNESS! I think I held my breath for the last 20 minutes! I have had a love/hate relationship with the show this season, but the past few have recaptured me :)

But anyways, enough about that! Today was a great day. I had my workout with Justin this morning...He told me at one point that I did "not amazing or awesome but brilliant!" That made me feel so good! I was excited to be there today. My mom and I have both decided that we are becoming gym junkies for sure! It's so nice to be craving that instead of something unhealthy!

I've really been trying to keep my intensity up on my cardio and just give it my all everyday. I know that whether or not the scale is moving, and no matter what size pants I'm still wearing...I am accomplishing so much already. This is a new life...and I'm so thankful to be living it!

Punching, xo

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 38

Well, well...another day down! I did zumba again today for my cardio! An hour of that will make ya sweat! It was my 3rd class, and each one has been better and better! I'm really lovin' it! After zumba, I went downstairs for another 20 minutes on the Arc trainer. Phew, I could've wrung the sweat out of my clothes and filled a bucket :)

I went to Old Navy this afternoon and used my Mother's Day giftcard to buy new workout pants. I desperately needed some! I have been wearing and washing 2 pairs (after having to retire my sweats)...that can get quite tiresome. It was exciting to buy makes me want to hurry and go to the gym so I can wear them! Good thing I have a scheduled workout in the morning :)

On the way home from my shopping trip, I took Grandma and Alana through two different drive-thrus for cheeseburgers and fries. Don't ask haha. Grandma wanted Sonic and Alana wanted a Happy meal. I aim to please. Throw in the hot apple pies Grandma ordered, and my car was smelling like a fast food joint. I ordered an unsweetened tea at Sonic, and I came home and heated up leftover grilled chicken from last night's dinner...It was such a huge deal for me. Why? Because I didn't even feel deprived. I didn't want to eat the fast food. Although, I admit it did smell quite tasty :) Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels (or so they say). I have never been skinny so I don't know that...YET!

Thankful for another NSV!

Punching, xo

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 37

I just finished watching the season finale of The Biggest Loser. I must say that I watched the most recent episodes with so much more respect for the contestants. I see how I have busted my butt in the gym, only to lose 1/2 a lb a week at times...and these people work out 6-8 hours a day, sometimes losing the same. But seeing the finale...Seeing how much these people have accomplished on their was just inspiring!

Today was a good day. I worked out with Justin this morning and then this afternoon I journeyed off to the 'boro for my massage! Ooooh, it was so nice and so needed! I am planning to go to zumba in the morning for my cardio. I guess that all depends on what time I wake up, being as it's already getting late :)

Punching, xo

Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 36

I realized something today...When I did Weight Watchers the last time and I lost down to my lowest weight, I lost 16 lbs. I obviously didn't have as much to lose then as I have this go 'round, but it took me FOREVER to lose those 16 lbs. Since I've been in Nashville...I've lost between 15-16 lbs! In about 6 weeks! Looking at things from that perspective make me realize how much I've actually accomplished in such a short time.

Gym time today was cardio...the dreaded cardio! I knocked out an hour: 20 minutes on the Arc, 20 minutes on the bike, and 20 minutes running on the treadmill...It makes it a lot less monotonous when I break it up like that. And when I was done, I felt like a million bucks...a very sweaty million bucks :)

Off to wind down for the evening...I meet up with Justin in the morning for a workout!

Punching, xo

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day 35

First and foremost, Happy Mother's Day! I know my day was full of fun and surprises! I already blogged about most of that here on my other I won't repeat!

Today's weigh-in was fantastic! I lost 3.4 lbs this week! I was serious when I said that I thought I had gained weight this week. I ate more than I have in the previous weeks, and I felt like I had no energy to put forth the effort I needed to in my cardio.

I went to zumba for the 2nd time ever today! I can honestly say it was so much better this go 'round. It was a different instructor and she was way cool. I'm a dork, but I have so much fun and the hour goes by so much faster than if I'm huffing away on the treadmill.

I usually don't partake in too much "bad" stuff on my free days, but today was a celebration! My mom and I are the only ones up still, and we took it upon ourselves to have some dark chocolate (good for your heart, right?) and some strawberry shortcake! She made it with sugar-free angel food cake and cool-whip it wasn't that sinful! I know I will work hard this week to make up for it all!

5 down, 7 more to go!

Punching, xo

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day 34

After a lazy, chill morning I finally got motivated to work out. I had to do a strength-training workout, along with my that I'm working out with Justin on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Everything got all mixed up this week :) I did my 30 minutes on the treadmill plus about 35 minutes of strength exercises (ie, lunges and squats with weights) that Justin taught me.

Tomorrow morning is my weigh-in. I'm not too excited about it...partially because we enjoyed a yummy steak dinner at Logan's tonight. I don't usually eat out on days that aren't "free", but I tried to make the most healthy choices I could. I'm just hoping the sodium doesn't do a number on the scale. And if it does, I know why :)

Not much else to report for I will say good night.

Punching, xo

Friday, May 8, 2009

Day 33

I woke up with super sore hamstrings this morning! What a bittersweet feeling...I hate to say it, but I've actually missed being sore for the past week or so. On top of that, I actually pushed through my cardio without a hitch. I RAN for the longest time I've run in 2 years. That shows my progress...and my knees lived to tell about it!

I'm still feeling a little drained, but nowhere near as badly as I have...I'm excited for my "last chance workout" tomorrow. Yes, I watch too much of the Biggest Loser :) But I always try and push myself that much harder on Saturday, because of my weigh-ins on Sunday...

I'm going to bed soon, but first I wanted to share an excerpt from last night's BFL journal:

"Forgiveness is a priceless gift you can give for free."
" many people don't even know how good they are. They carry bags of guilt, filled to the brim, with them day and night, expending precious energy. That 'baggage' like pounds of unhealthy bodyfat, needs to be shed in order to move upward and onward. The process of breaking free involves forgiving. Forgiving others, and most important forgiving yourself...Perhaps you've broken self-promises. Perhaps you've let yourself down. If so, you're not alone. Virtually everyone has felt like that at some point. But you don't have to let that stop you. The key is to forgive yourself and vow to try harder and do better in the future. Drop that baggage and move on!"

Punching, xo

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 32

I forgot to post this last night, but yesterday was my 1/2 birthday...not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, BUT...I have said that I wanted to be in great shape by my 30th. So I have 6 months to get there. I'm definitely on the right track...I just have to stay there!

Today I worked out with Justin. I felt strong, and I was really excited to be there. I still had a major struggle getting through my cardio today. This week has been tough...I have upped my intensity, but have felt so completely worn down. I seriously think I could sleep for 2 days and still not be rested. I thought maybe my body was yelling at me for the rigorous program I've put it on...and then today my throat was sore. I'm begging that I'm not getting I'm hitting the hay early tonight.

Tonight I made a yummy dinner. We had spaghetti (whole-wheat pasta, of course), sauce made with ground turkey, mushrooms and red peppers. It was amazing. Maybe it was the fact that we've been eating chicken and fish for weeks :) No, but it really was good. My grandma even ate it up, and she is a burger and fries (anything greasy) queen! It totally felt like we were "cheating" by eating this. I wouldn't eat it everyday, but gosh it was a nice change!

I'll be at the Y in the morning, thanks to Alana's KidFit class. Gotta love it :) She waits all week for Fridays! I'm hoping I will wake up in the morning, refreshed and renewed!

Punching, xo

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day 31

Didn't want to go to the Y today...I reeeeeally wanted to stay home and just do my cardio here. Alana had different plans, though. I decided it was easier to just go to the Y than to fight about it with her :) So we went...

I did 30 minutes on the Arc trainer and 15 minutes on the treadmill with a 7-8% incline. That's like the least I've done on a cardio day yet, I think...maybe not. But I feel drained. I am tired. My body is begging me for something, and I'm not sure what it is yet! I know it is not a Snickers Sonic Blast, though! Mmmm...

I have been sticking to my diet flawlessly...

Hoping the scale moves more than 1/2 a lb this week, but for some reason I feel heavier than I have haha...

Punching, xo

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day 30

Thirty days down! Today was a good day. My back has been a little bit sore, but Justin was sure to not let me hurt it any worse. I did one set of exercises that include squats and overhead presses, and once he saw it was causing me pain, we modified it so that I could sit and do them instead...I can't afford to throw my back out. I got a lot of non-exercise exercise in today by cleaning, too! That's always fun (sense the sarcasm). Overall, it's been another amazing day! The only thing that could make it better is hearing from my hubby...That, and winning the lottery :)

Not much more to report for now! Gonna workout tomorrow, but I'm going to take it easy on the back for one more day...

Punching, xo