I know I have neglected my blog(s) the past couple of weeks. I have wanted to post so many times, but I was either too tired or busy. I'm tired now, but I'm not gonna use that as an excuse tonight :) Day 84 was supposed to be a free day, but I had taken about 3 free days during my last week...I was feeling pretty crummy with some kind of congestion, etc. and I pretty much bombed. We got back to Nashville yesterday, and I was sad to leave FL and glad to get back into my routine at the same time. However, a steak dinner and 4th of July cupcakes were something I couldn't turn down! Against the advice of my husband, I weighed-in this morning. I had honestly prepared myself mentally...I had it in my head that I had to have gained at least 5 lbs over the last 2 weeks. I mean, I'm being honest here...I haven't worked out since the 24th! And I've eaten more junk food than I can even list here. So I guess you wanna know how bad my weigh-in was...I lost 1.8 lbs! I am still baffled by it. I must've weighed and re-weighed 5 times on 2 different scales...
So I rejoice for that. The last time I lost weight and went to FL, I gained about 5 lbs while down there and when I got back it was downhill from there...I did not want that to happen this time. And it won't.
Tomorrow I am going to start my next 12-week BFL challenge. This go 'round I lost somewhere around 22 lbs--plus 4 or 5 lbs that I lost before my official BFL weigh-in. So yeah, I'm down about 26-27 lbs total. I still have about 20-25 to go. It seems like such a huge number, but at the same time I can see the finish line now. I said here before that I wanted to be in the best shape of my life by my 30th birthday. That falls exactly 4 months from tomorrow! I am determined to stay focused. And who knows, after another 12 weeks I might even post some "after" pictures :)
These are my goals for these next 12 weeks:
--Try different foods, using recipes out of the Eating For Life book...not just plain grilled chicken and broccoli for this chick anymore!
--Follow the BFL workout plan more closely...this might be hard, because the cardio is pretty restricted and the weight training is more intense.
--Drop these last 20 lbs or so!!! My goal weight might change, the closer I get to it (depending on my muscle)
Alright folks...There you have it! I came and I conquered...and now I'm doing it all over again! For now though, I'm icing my ankle/foot because I fell down the stairs today (yes, I'm a klutz) and it's throbbing. Hoping to zumba on it in the morning!
Punching, xo
Being a Mommy Rocks.
14 years ago
I am SO stinkin proud of you my friend!!! You are such an inspiration....27 lbs how wonderful!! Excited about your next BFL goals! I think I need to join you! Hope you can make it to Zumba tomorrow!