Sunday, May 17, 2009

Day 42...HALF...WAY...DAY!!!

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:
(sans make-up sorry for that!)

I weighed in today...Most likely by now, everyone who reads my blog already knows how much I lost, but for those who don't I shall share! I lost 1.6 lbs this week...I am thrilled with that! Whodathunkit? It means that I've lost exactly 5 lbs in the past 2 weeks, and I'm almost sure that I will continue to lose at a good pace. My body is finally giving in and giving up on resisting the change.

So my mini doughnut (which you can see, is barely big enough to capture on film) was amazing. I admit, I ate TWO. I still don't even think that 2 equal one regular size doughnut...But anywho, I ate two and was able to walk away and be done with it...didn't feel the least bit of remorse, either :) For lunch, we ate at Cracker Barrel. While I didn't eat anything too terribly awful, I probably ate MORE than I needed to of it...and I felt it too! That's the best part of the "free" day. You eat like you used to and remember how horrible it makes you feel...physically and mentally. I was honestly giving my system a good halfway shock today. Tomorrow, it's back to the grind.

I am so happy and so proud of myself for making it this far into my journey, while still being completely focused. Most people who know me, know that one of my biggest issues is actually finishing what I start. I would like to say right now, that for me...this is a life change. I am not going way, no how.

It is, after all "Body for LIFE"...

Punching, xo

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