Saturday, July 25, 2009

8 Miles

I am writing this with ice packs on each knee, after taking 2 extra-strength Tylenol (because I took Motrin the last go 'round). I haven't run this week...It has been so hectic since we got back to VA. I know that's just an excuse, but the truth is I have been SO TIRED. Well, last night I decided that I was going to run today if it killed me. I'm thinking it might have come close :) Just kidding, it's not that bad. I am just making sure it doesn't get bad. I ran my 8-mile run today...The first 4 miles like to have killed me, but once I hit mile 5 I hit my groove or something, because it got a lot easier. I use that term "easier" lightly! I keep amazing myself...I know if I can run 8 miles after not running for 6 days at all, then I can do the 13.1 in another 6 weeks.

I am also proud to say that my eating was back on track today. I haven't really been focusing on eating right lately. I will give myself credit where it is due, though...I have not had a single Coke, or non-diet drink of any kind since the first week of April! This is HUGE! Even on all of my "free" days...I have completely eliminated those wasted calories from my diet. I was starving this afternoon/evening...probably because I burned 1200 calories on the treadmill this morning. Can I just say it's a major feat to have the calories have to loop back around to zero because you hit 1000? Same with my time...looped back around to zero!

All in all today has been a great day. Alana and I spent some time at the pool this afternoon, followed by an evening at church. I've really missed our church, so it was nice to be there! Then we got stuck in tunnel traffic coming home, but I won't complain...We made it home eventually :)

Justin will be home THIS WEEK! I'm so excited. The best part is that he emailed me tonight saying we are only one hour different in time zones now...This is awesome, considering we were 9 hours different at one point! Just makes it that much more real!!!

Punching, xo

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I apologize for my lack of posting, but the last week or so has been extremely busy here! AND I don't have cable/internet here so it's harder to bring myself to post :)

Alana and I made it back to Norfolk safe and sound! It's so good to be home, though I miss my momma already! We are working hard, trying to get the house in tip-top shape before Justin gets home next week...that's right, NEXT WEEK!!!

My eating and fitness have been pretty all over the place. I am trying not to lose focus...I ran 7 miles on Sunday before we left TN. It felt amazing! I am so ready to get back into the swing of things here...I am honestly just exhausted right now, but at the same time I don't want to make excuses!

The internet should be back on tomorrow!!! And I will be back on the treadmill, too!

Punching, xo

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Zumba and a Run

This week has been kind of busy (at least in my head, haha). I've been trying to get things done like getting the oil changed in the car and preparing for our trip back home to Virginia on Sunday. I know it's going to get even crazier the next few days! I am still trying to figure out how I'm going to fit all of our stuff into my car...

I went to zumba this morning...My training plan for the 1/2 marathon called for a run today, but I am trying to get as much zumba in as I can, while I can. I didn't want to slack on my running, I can proudly say that I got in my 40 minute "easy" run tonight. I did a little more than 3.5 miles. The best part is that I only stopped ONE minute to walk and get water, and the rest of the time I ran! I can't even believe how my endurance has improved. Four months ago, I could've run one minute and then I probably would've done something stupid (like thrown up in the middle of the gym, lol)

I'm officially signed up for the race...and I'm determined!

Punching, xo

Monday, July 13, 2009

Are You Ready for This?

Ok...I promised I would share the new direction my journey was taking. The truth is, I had to run it by the hubby (who was supportive, like usual) AND I really wanted to be sure that this was something I truly want to do. I have an unfortunate track record of setting out to accomplish things, with very good intentions, simply to give up or get off course soon after starting.

The BFL thing has really helped me to understand that I can finish anything I put my mind to. And while I am still following the BFL eating plan, my exercise routine is going to change a bit...quite drastically, actually!

I am going to run the Rock 'n Roll 1/2 Marathon in Virginia Beach on September 6th! Yes, you read that right. THIRTEEN POINT ONE MILES. And the craziest part is that I'm going to train for it in 8 weeks. Yeah, I'm asking for it!

I started my official training today...My plan called for a 40 minute moderate run (no specific mileage), plus 5 minutes of walking to warm-up and cool-down. I managed to do this and completed a little over 4 miles!

My goal is not to break any records...simply to FINISH the race. Slow and steady. Some of you might remember that on my New Year's resolutions for 2009, I said I wanted to run the 1/2 marathon with my mom in March. That did not happen. I wasn't ready for it physically or mentally! But thanks to the past 4 months or so, I am ready Atlantic Ave. here I come!

For now, I'm going to ice my knees! Preventative measure only, for now :)

Punching, xo

Sunday, July 12, 2009

New Focus

This is going to be short and sweet...I can't elaborate on this just yet, but I think my journey is going to take a different direction very soon! Just wanted to let all my faithful readers know that I have not abandoned this blog OR lost sight of my goals.

I weighed-in this morning, and I stayed the same...I guess I shouldn't complain, there was no gain and I didn't have the best of weeks. Did zumba today, and it was amazing as always!

Punching, xo

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Good Eats

I am proud to say that today has been a great success! I feel like I'm back on track after a couple of questionable days...I woke up this morning and decided to keep myself busy right from the start. Alana and I made our way to the Y, and I got in a nice cardio workout. Today was my "lower body" day, but Alana REALLY wanted to go to the Y--and I figured that after the last couple of days a little extra calorie burning couldn't hurt me! I did 20 minutes on the ARC, followed by a 25 minute run on the treadmill! I was pouring sweat, and man did it feel good! After dinner tonight, I got in my lower body workout...lots of squats, lunges, step-ups...the stuff that is gonna make me crawl down the stairs in the morning :)

I have had a lot of people asking me what I eat on the BFL plan. I thought I'd share it here for once! The plan is pretty don't have to count calories, although calories definitely count. Basically, you eat a protein with a carbohydrate 6 times a day. One cannot be without the other...and you eat portions based on the size of your palm/hand (depending on what it is). I have a hard time getting 6 meals in, and I usually end up with 5...but today, I managed to fit them all in.

1-Chocolate Protein Shake (EAS Whey Protein) w/ 8 oz skim milk, 1 banana, 1 tsp of natural peanut butter.
2-Turkey Sandwich--Boar's Head deli turkey on a whole wheat Sandwich Thin with a little olive oil mayo and lettuce.
3-Zone Perfect Bar-Raisin and Almonds
4-Lowfat Cottage Cheese with Strawberries
5-Chipotle Lime Chicken, Sweet Potato Fries and Fresh Spinach (see picture below!)
6- Myoplex Lite Bar-Caramel Peanut CrispI posted a picture of my dinner, because I was so completely proud. It was the first time I've ever cooked on a grill...and I think it was a success! And I usually don't eat 2 bars a day, but I was hungry and that seemed like the best choice for a nighttime movie snack. I have managed to refrain from eating any of Alana's popcorn, though it smells sooo good :) We are watching "Bedtime Stories" together. We have had a nice few days together, just the two of us. I am so thankful for her...and so excited that 3 weeks from tonight, our family will be complete again.

Punching, xo

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I have decided not to title my posts with days anymore...There's a few reasons behind that. Number one, I get royally confused about what day it is. Number two, there might be days that I don't get a chance to blog. And lastly, I don't want to number the days because that makes it seem like there's a end to this. This is for LIFE.

So the word of the day is "sabotage". Makes me immediately think of the Beastie Boys. Gotta love 'em. I chose that word, because it best describes what I'm doing to myself. This is a cycle that needs to be broken, and quick-like. After being on vacation for 2 weeks and not following plan as strictly as I have been, I knew it would be hard to get back on track. Then I came back to Nashville and found myself wanting to eat right and exercise. I thought, you know how cool is this? I've got it all together. And then, yesterday happened.

I started the day out right. Alana and I didn't go to the Y, but I was supposed to do my upper body workout and I would rather do that here at home anyway. I was SO proud of myself and the routine I did. I felt like I was doing the workout the "right" way. I literally did it by the book. (And my sore muscles today, let me know I did it right!) Well, somewhere between my workout and bedtime I blew it. Let's just say that my dinner of turkey sloppy joes on a whole wheat bun was chased by about half a thing of ice cream that was leftover from Alana's birthday party. I felt miserable today, too...and that's probably the culprit.

Most of today, I was sluggish and not wanting to do much of anything...I did manage to snap out of it by dinner tonight. Alana and I went to Chick Fil-A and then we came home and Alana rode her scooter a little bit. After that, I decided to mow my mom's backyard. It was a cardio workout to say the least!

I always find myself sabotaging things in my life when they start getting good...especially when it concerns diet and exercise. I am sort of a perfectionist when it comes to things and in the past I have had an "all-or-nothing" attitude about lots of stuff. I do not want to fall back into that pattern. Again, this is why I am not going to label things as Day __ of __...This is an on-going process. I don't want it to have that sort of finite measure.

I can and I will conquer this. I will win this battle once and for all...even if it takes me a whole lifetime.

Punching, xo

Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 1 (of my next 12 weeks)

I can't believe I'm back to Day 1 :) I have come so far since my first Day 1! I weighed in this morning (even though I just weighed yesterday), just to have an accurate "starting" weight. I couldn't believe it, when I saw that I had dropped another 0.6 lbs since yesterday!

It felt really good to be back on the BFL eating plan. I went grocery shopping tonight and stocked up on lots of yummy food for the week. The BFL plan says today should've been an upper body workout, but I did zumba this morning and I am too tired to do my weight training. It's not really a big deal, I will just switch my cardio days with my weight days this week. It felt amazing to sweat today! I'm back in it :)

I feel confident that I can keep this up when I go home to VA. I have been a little anxious about how it would play out, but it has become such habit to me I'm sure it will be fine...And I'm pretty sure that Justin is going to embrace the new healthy lifestyle alongside me!

Punching, xo

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Day 84 and some!

I know I have neglected my blog(s) the past couple of weeks. I have wanted to post so many times, but I was either too tired or busy. I'm tired now, but I'm not gonna use that as an excuse tonight :) Day 84 was supposed to be a free day, but I had taken about 3 free days during my last week...I was feeling pretty crummy with some kind of congestion, etc. and I pretty much bombed. We got back to Nashville yesterday, and I was sad to leave FL and glad to get back into my routine at the same time. However, a steak dinner and 4th of July cupcakes were something I couldn't turn down! Against the advice of my husband, I weighed-in this morning. I had honestly prepared myself mentally...I had it in my head that I had to have gained at least 5 lbs over the last 2 weeks. I mean, I'm being honest here...I haven't worked out since the 24th! And I've eaten more junk food than I can even list here. So I guess you wanna know how bad my weigh-in was...I lost 1.8 lbs! I am still baffled by it. I must've weighed and re-weighed 5 times on 2 different scales...

So I rejoice for that. The last time I lost weight and went to FL, I gained about 5 lbs while down there and when I got back it was downhill from there...I did not want that to happen this time. And it won't.

Tomorrow I am going to start my next 12-week BFL challenge. This go 'round I lost somewhere around 22 lbs--plus 4 or 5 lbs that I lost before my official BFL weigh-in. So yeah, I'm down about 26-27 lbs total. I still have about 20-25 to go. It seems like such a huge number, but at the same time I can see the finish line now. I said here before that I wanted to be in the best shape of my life by my 30th birthday. That falls exactly 4 months from tomorrow! I am determined to stay focused. And who knows, after another 12 weeks I might even post some "after" pictures :)

These are my goals for these next 12 weeks:
--Try different foods, using recipes out of the Eating For Life book...not just plain grilled chicken and broccoli for this chick anymore!
--Follow the BFL workout plan more closely...this might be hard, because the cardio is pretty restricted and the weight training is more intense.
--Drop these last 20 lbs or so!!! My goal weight might change, the closer I get to it (depending on my muscle)

Alright folks...There you have it! I came and I conquered...and now I'm doing it all over again! For now though, I'm icing my ankle/foot because I fell down the stairs today (yes, I'm a klutz) and it's throbbing. Hoping to zumba on it in the morning!

Punching, xo