Back in TN! I left Norfolk at 2:25 a.m. and I'm still awake...barely! I DID make it back in time to go mail a package to Justin and take Alana to her last swim lesson! My eating has been the same as the last 2 days. I haven't eaten anything "off" plan, but I definitely haven't gotten 6 meals in, either. I didn't get a workout arms are so sore from weed-eating yesterday. I will admit that while Alana was swimming at the Y, I was daydreaming--wishing that I was in the gym working out! I'm off to bed, as I have a day of packing tomorrow! We leave for FL on Saturday :)
Punching, xo
Being a Mommy Rocks.
14 years ago
You are one busy woman! So glad you're back safe and proud of you for sticking to your plan. Great job!