Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 73

Phew, I'm exhausted!!! This is the first time I've taken a break since 5:45 this morning (Eastern time!) Its been a crazy busy day, but I managed to get everything I needed to get done, done--and some!

I barely ate again today...which isn't a good thing! By the time I did try to eat dinner, Chick Fil-A's chargrill was down...and of course I'd already paid for my I opted to eat a regular chicken breast BUT with the whole wheat bun instead. It was soooo yummy, too! I didn't "exercise" either, but I did mow two lawns, get two different decals for two different cars, as well as put air in all of their tires, dusted and swept my apartment, went to the doctor twice (no worries it was all good) and even managed to shop in between. All I want to do now is sleep, but I've got a load of laundry to finish first!

It's up before daylight to make the trek back to TN tomorrow! I'm glad...being home by myself has been too weird! In a way it's exciting though, because it means I'm that much closer to Justin being home! Driving over the water last night, I looked over at the pier and smiled...because it won't be long til I'm standing there watching my hubby walk off that ship!

Hoping to get a real workout in tomorrow!

Oh! I almost forgot!!! When I went to the dr I weighed in at like 22 lbs less than I did 3 months ago when I was there :)

Punching, xo


  1. You go girl 22lbs less...thats amazing! big big BIG thank you for Drive safe tomorrow and call me while your on the road!! Not much time left till our hubbys are home...YAY! Miss ya!


  2. that comment was jacked up..I said big big thank you for cutting our grass...but it didnt show up...hahah

  3. Congrats on your AMAZING loss!! How incredible! Glad you got so much done today. Safe travels back tomorrow.
