Saturday, May 2, 2009

Day 27

One word...ZUMBA!!!

Oh goodness. I talked my mom into going to Zumba with me today. I'd never been, and I've been so curious about all the hype. Besides that, I want to do classes at the Y just to change things up. I am not the most coordinated person in the world, so I was kind of hesitant...Well, we went! We went and so did at least 60 other people. It was PACKED! We could barely move...I couldn't really see the instructor to know what the heck I was doing. It was a lot of fun, though...and I will definitely go back. I think I will go back during the week, and hope there are less people in the class. The best part was the fact that there were four or five Latin guys in front of us (or behind us, depending on which way we were facing). No pressure! I'm sure they were laughing at the lack of salsa in my steps.

We ate lunch at Subway, which is a treat these days! When we got home I played some wii with the fam and then I got on the treadmill. I tried to do some intervals like Justin had me doing on the elliptical yesterday...only this time I alternated between walking at a good pace and sprinting. I did that for 30 minutes and then stretched and did some situps with the medicine ball. I'm trying to take what my trainer has taught me and use it at home. I will have to do it on my own eventually! The thought saddens me, though! Maybe I will inherit millions or something, and I can afford to have a trainer forever...and maybe a chef, too! :)

It's been a good day, but I am tired. I am going to ice my knees for the second time. I woke up with my foot a little sore, but better...and now it is not hurting at all! Thanks for the prayers. I'm just taking precautionary measures with the knees. I still have about 30-35 extra lbs on my joints, and they hate me for it!

Tomorrow is the 4-week mark! Check back for my weight/measurement updates...I almost said for my first "after" pics, but get ain't gettin' those! :)

Punching, xo

p.s. It was time for a blog makeover!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the blog make-over! Talk about inspiration, Zumba and treadmill plus sit-ups in the same day? Amazing! So glad to hear your foot's doing better. Can't wait to hear how your weigh-in goes! You're doing GREAT girlfriend!
