Friday, May 1, 2009

Day 25

Today was a busy, productive day...It almost made me feel "normal". I put that one in quotes, because I am not really sure what the word means. Started my day off at the gym, as usual! Got my hour of cardio in, and I also got signed up for 10 more sessions with Justin. I still have 2, so that means I'm in it for at least 4 more weeks...I am sooooo incredibly thankful for the extra time! On a down note, I've felt fatter today, haha. I know it's dumb, but I've been feeling lighter lately--until today...I hope it will make me push myself even harder tomorrow!

Just wanted to share a quote out of my book...I will paraphrase it, because I'm too lazy to go back and see what it says verbatim. But it goes something like this: "Success is something that you earn, not something that you own." I thought this was pretty awesome. I want to be successful, and in order to do that I have to earn it. I have to work hard for it. No one can hand me success. It is something that I must want bad enough to obtain on my own...Good stuff!

Punching, xo

1 comment:

  1. So glad God is providing the extra training for you! What a blessing! We all have our "fat patty" days (as Chris and I like to call them)! LOVE the quote, thanks for sharing.
