Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The First Two Days...

I was planning to post everyday, but obviously I haven't done that :) I'll give the quick run-down of how things went on days one and two of my journey. Day one...I woke up, ready to face the world. Five minutes later, I wanted to throw up. Not sure if it was nerves or the vitamins I took...but regardless, I got my gym clothes on and headed up to the Y to try and get my first "upper body" workout in. When I got there and saw how crowded the parking lot was, I turned around and drove back home. This made me feel pretty much like I'd lost the battle before it began...I felt pretty gross all day, but I managed to stick to my eating plan. Day two (which was yesterday), I decided I was going to go to the Y if it killed me. I took along my partner in crime (Alana) and off we went. It was a success. I was supposed to do cardio, which I did...the elliptical is my friend, or so I'm telling myself anyway. Alana LOVED going. She asked if we could go back everyday. There, my friends, is my motivation :) They have a really great program for the kids...organized activities each day. When I used to go to Gold's Gym in VA, Alana was only 2...and she hated going to the gym with me. It really makes all the difference in the world if your kid likes to go. I also signed up to work with a trainer (my mom's) for a few sessions, just so I can get a grip on what I'm supposed to be doing weight-wise. I'm nervous and excited all at once for that to begin. I am waiting to hear from him to find out when that will start. Yesterday was also successful, as far as my eating plan...Didn't stray one bit. I've already had my egg whites and whole wheat toast for the day...Alana is still asleep, and I'm trying to get a plan in action for today. I feel pretty good...I have a feeling I'm gonna do this and do it well :)

Punching, xo

1 comment:

  1. not only will you DO will do this WELL...I know you will girl...and its great you have your little motivator Alana we all need a little motivation every now and again! Keep us updated!!! Miss ya!
