Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 3

Is it only Day 3? :) Just kidding...Today was a fabulous day. I was debating whether or not to go to the Y, when Alana said "BUT MOMMY!!!! I reeeeeally want to go to the Y today!" Nothing like being motivated by a 4 year old. I'm thankful to have that matter where it comes from! So I got there and managed to pull an hour of cardio out of somewhere--still not sure where, because my legs were already aching from yesterday's elliptical session. I did 30 minutes on the bike and 30 on the elliptical today. I'm sure tomorrow I will be feeling every minute, too. We left the gym and picked up my Grandma from the senior center...and she wanted to go to Sonic for lunch. I don't really like Sonic, but the fact is that I ordered a diet coke and came home and ate a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread. Success at its best! Also, Justin (trainer Justin, not the hubby) called tonight and set up my sessions...I start with him on Friday morning! I'm excited!

Another day down, a lot to go...

Punching, xo

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