Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day 17

Woke up again this morning, not feeling so great...Went to the gym...felt better when I left. I think I may be onto something here :) Today's workout REALLY challenged me. I was lacking in energy all around today, and J upped the intensity at the same time. I made it through though and feel better for it! He looked over my food journal and said my diet is "actually really good"...The only thing he said he didn't like was the diet sodas haha. At least it's diet! I am off of my too-many-a-day regular cokes and sweet tea! Cut a girl some slack :)

I don't want to jinx it or anything, but this has really been an "easy" journey for me so far. I've not been in the right state of mind for the last few attempts at losing weight and getting healthy. It's kinda like when it's right, I'm all in. I'm not craving anything insane. I'm able to walk past those m&m sugar cookies from the bakery that my mom bought for Alana without looking twice...okay, maybe I look but there's no harm in that!!!

This weekend I am going back to VA to take care of some stuff and then drive one of my cars back to TN. I'm kinda nervous about being out of my comfort zone, but luckily it's going to be on the weekend, ONE of which is my free day.

Time for some Advil-PM and my bed now...

Punching, xo

1 comment:

  1. You're such a trooper! So glad the journey thus far has been a smooth transition into living and eating healthier. I'll be praying for you this weekend on your road trip and strength against any possible temptations.
