Saturday, April 11, 2009

Days 5 and 6

That's right, I'm blogging from the treadmill...mostly because I'm too sweaty to sit anywhere else and too hot to take a shower still. I didn't post yesterday, because there was just too much excitement going on here! But it's definitely worth posting about--for those who don't already know the story :) I'll split it up...

Yesterday (Day 5)
First day with my trainer. I was pretty excited about going...and so was Alana! I got there 15 minutes early just like he had told me to do when we set it up, and jumped on the elliptical machine to warm up. Mind you, my leg muscles were already aching from the past 2 days workouts and I woke up with a throat sorer than the day before. So before I know it, here comes Justin (the trainer) be-bopping over to me to up the intensity before I even started my weight training with him...That pretty much pushed me into exhaustion :) So I did about 11 minutes on there and headed over to the weight area where Justin was waiting. It's confusing, I know, having a husband and a trainer with the same name...From now on I will refer to him as "Trainer J" or "TJ". But back to the drama...We stretched and then immediately went into working upper body and core, using the cable weights. I was so into it...I was feeling the burn and loving it. That is, until I started getting tunnel vision and felt like passing out. I've only passed out once in my life, but I had that SAME EXACT feeling. I could hardly see...I told TJ I need to take a break for a minute...and then he told me to sit down on one of the weight benches. I can't even tell you what was going through my head...I'm thinking here I am in this gym, surrounded by muscle-heads (as I lovingly refer to them), and I'm about to be laid out on the floor...Trainer J was sooooooo great. He asked if I wanted a banana (my sugar was dropping, hence the light headedness). I declined. Then he asked if I wanted a trash can. I immediately said no, and then faster than I said no, I said YES. He got it to me in time for me to throw up not ONCE, not TWICE, but THREE times. Yeah, I pretty much felt like a dummy-head. But as soon as I did, I felt 100% better, too...And then you know what? I got up and finished my workout session! Justin (my hubby) said that's because I'm "gangsta" :) And even after I finished my workout, I did another 30 minutes on the bike and walked a SLOW mile around the indoor track while waiting for Alana's Kid-fit class to end. I felt horrible for poor TJ, but he was more worried about me hating him! What can I say, I make a great first impression :) My mom said it was just like on the Biggest Loser...I said I felt like the biggest loser. My mom worked out with TJ later that night and after she got off the elliptical, she told him she needed a trash can. At first he looked confused and then he said "THAT'S NOT FUNNY!!!" Good times. So lessons learned, don't eat eggs on training oatmeal and fruit. I followed my meal plan again, although I did enjoy a grilled chicken sandwich on whole wheat bun from Chick Fil-A for dinner. It was the highlight of my day for sure!

Now for Day 6...Today...
It's been a good day, but pretty chill. I did some last minute Easter shopping...hitting up Kohl's and finding some GREAT deals there! My mom made some amazing grilled chicken with bell peppers, onions, mushrooms and was soooo delicious! I am pretty sore from yesterday, so I didn't go to the Y, but I made myself do my 20 minutes of cardio that was on the plan for today. I did a good walk/run on the treadmill...the one I'm sitting on now as I type.

So tomorrow is our first FREE day! This means that we can eat whatever we want and exercise as little as we want. Honestly, I want to exercise, which is a very good thing. We will see if my body cooperates. I'm not gonna go crazy on food or anything, though I have reserved one very special chocolate covered marshmallow out of Alana's basket for myself IF I decide I want it :) Also, tomorrow is going to be my first official weigh-in. I decided I will weigh-in on Sundays, before the free day...for obvious reasons! I can't believe it's already been 6 days. To me, it's been easy so far. I feel better already!!! I think this next week I am going to try to get to some classes at the Y, also...

Punching, xo

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