Thursday, April 23, 2009

Day 18

Today has been a good day. I'm posting this from my brother's...I got to babysit Liam for the first time tonight :) He is seriously the best kid. I told Justin if all kids were as easy as he is, I would have five more...unfortunately, you can't be so sure!

Did my hour of cardio at the gym this seems like the past few days have been a struggle as far as me having the energy to get through my workout...BUT I've done it regardless! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day! I workout with J and he always knows how to push me to my limits (and maybe beyond!) Last night, I was watching iCarly with Alana. I welcome this show in place of SpongeBob any day, but anyway...there was a guy on last night's episode and Alana said "Mommy, that looks like Justin". I looked at her crazy, because a) she doesn't refer to her daddy as 'Justin' and b) he didn't look like him....and then she said "Justin from the gym!" She's only met him one time for a few minutes. She said it was his hair, haha...gotta love it.

I feel like I haven't eaten enough today...which is not necessarily a bad problem to have. I'm just paranoid about my metabolism deciding to shut down...but I've been running around all day and honestly just haven't been that hungry or had the time to eat. I'm hoping and praying this week's weigh-in is more satisfying than the last. All I can do is my best!

Punching, xo

1 comment:

  1. It's got to be encouraging when you don't feel hungry...all the time! Proud of you for pushing through your workouts. Safe travels this weekend.
