Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 11

Nothing terribly exciting to post about today. I went to the Y and did my hour of cardio...I ate according to plan--even though it's getting old. It's not that I want to go eat a cheeseburger and drink a milkshake...I just need to find new ways to prepare the food, I suppose. It's like every night my mom and I are like "chicken or fish?" haha. I actually had to make myself eat dinner, mainly for that reason.

Tomorrow should be interesting! I have to figure out how to do my weight training minus my trainer...I could just do something at home, but Alana has her exercise class in the morning so I have to be there anyway. I'm hoping I have the guts and the motivation to just go in there and try to mimic a workout with J the best I can...I will have to learn eventually :)

I'm trying my darndest to not let anything distract me, and today I had one of those "distractions" and it kinda stressed me out...fortunately, I bounced back quickly.

Punching, xo

1 comment:

  1. I love that Alana has an exercise class of her own! Proud of you for sticking with it without Trainer J.
    Eat more chicken! :)
